One Piece‘s rise to popularity as one of the anime Big Three is its ensemble of endearing characters that give greater significance to the show’s incredible fight scenes. The Straw Hat Pirates are featured in many of the best fight sequences in the series, and their performances as individuals prove why they’re all worthy of accompanying Monkey D. Luffy on his journey to become the next King of the Pirates. Of all the Straw Hat Pirates, Usopp is perhaps the crew member who has improved the most when it comes to fighting.

Although Usopp is introduced as a cowardly and deceptive character, he develops heroic personas like the Sniper King and God D. Usopp throughout the series to help bolster his reputation and confidence as he earns his stripes as a true pirate. His unique battle style is characterized by the use of unconventional weapons, deception, and strategy to outmaneuver his opponents — many of whom he couldn’t beat on the basis of strength alone. Throughout the series, Usopp refines his techniques by fighting increasingly more challenging foes until he becomes strong enough to back up the tall tales he tells of his formidable power.

10Usopp Debuts Fresh Weapons & New Confidence Against Fish-Man Daruma in Sabaody

Opponent: Daruma — New Fish-Man Pirates


One Piece: Usopp runs from Daruma and his flames during their fight in Sabaody. Daruma of the New Fish-Man Pirates bares his sharp teeth. Usopp celebrates a successful hit using his slingshot in One Piece. The Straw Hat Pirates reunite in One Piece after the time-skip.

One Piece‘s Return to Sabaody Arc, the exciting sequence following the series’ two-year timeskip, serves as an entertaining reintroduction of the Straw Hat Pirates after their time apart. The Straw Hats are undeniably stronger upon entering the New World, and Usopp debuts as perhaps the crew’s most improved pirate since the timeskip. Usopp’s match-up against Daruma during the Straw Hat Pirates’ fight with the New Fish-Man Pirates sets the tone for what to expect from the fan-favorite pirate for the rest of the series.

Usopp has shied away from fighting strong Fish-Men like Daruma — and the Arlong Pirates’ Chew — in the past, but newfound confidence empowers him to back up claims about his strength that used to be tall tales. Daruma’s fiery abilities, supernaturally strong jaws, and strategic use of underground tunnels make the Fish-Man a formidable foe for the Straw Hat Pirate. However, Usopp outmatches Daruma’s strength with new weapons from the Boin Archipelago where he lived during the timeskip, marking a refreshingly straightforward victory for the Straw Hat Pirate with a reputation for gimmicks.

9Usopp’s Entertaining Fight With Perona Features a Signature Gimmick & Trademark Humor

Opponent: Perona the Ghost Princess — Thriller Bark Pirates


Perona attacks Usopp in One Piece's Thriller Bark Arc. Perona uses her Devil Fruit to attack the Straw Hats with ghosts in One Piece's Thriller Bark Arc. Perona uses her Devil Fruit to attack Usopp with ghosts on Thriller Bark in One Piece. Perona summons ghosts with her Devil Fruit to attack Usopp during One Piece's Thriller Bark Arc.

By the time the Straw Hat Pirates reach Thriller Bark, Usopp’s battle repertoire is more well-balanced between real attacks and deceptive tricks. However, there is no shortage of trickery in Usopp’s fight against Perona the Ghost Princess of the Thriller Bark Pirates. Their match-up showcases the humor, gimmicks, and weapons that make the best Usopp fights so entertaining.

The realization that Perona can’t overcome Usopp’s intense negative essence with her Devil Fruit powers sets a comedic tone for the fight between the pirates. After Usopp defeats Perona’s numerous soldiers, the Straw Hat capitalizes on her intimidation with a sequence of his trickiest techniques. Perona begs Usopp for her life when he finally raises a fake 10-ton hammer to strike her, but the weapon’s true nature is revealed when it deflates in an explosive pop upon contact.

8Usopp Earns a Surprising Victory Over Arlong Pirate Chew Using Strategic Tricks & Tools

Opponent: Chew — Arlong Pirates

Arlong Pirate Chew lies defeated by Straw Hat Pirate Usopp in One Piece. Arlong and the Arlong Pirates gather in One Piece. Arlong Pirate Chew fires water bullets from his mouth in One Piece. Arlong Park is pictured sitting quietly in the daylight in One Piece.

The Arlong Pirates are major opponents to the Straw Hat Pirates early in One Piece, and the clash between their crews in Arlong Park is also one of Usopp’s first major solo battles. Fish-Men have supernatural strength compared to normal humans, making Arlong Pirate Chew a threatening opponent for Usopp, whose battle strategies are limited mostly to deception and escape in the early stages of the series. Usopp’s tools, tricks, and sheer determination work to even the odds in the Straw Hat’s fight against Fish-Man Chew.

Although Chew’s strength makes him impervious to a few of Usopp’s attacks, the Straw Hat takes advantage of the Fish-Man’s confidence to trick him with a hilarious gimmick: the Rubber Band of Doom. Chew is enraged that a human could fool him and confronts Usopp head-on, firing a spray of powerful water bullets from his mouth. Usopp uses his trademark slingshot to light Chew on fire before taking advantage of the Fish-Man’s weakened state to claim a surprising victory over the Arlong Pirate.

7Zoro & Usopp Make a Funny Duo in Their Fight Against Kaku & Jabra

Opponents: Jabra & Kaku — CP9


Zoro and Sogeking handcuffed in One Piece Zoro utilizes Usopp as a sword zoro vs kaku in one piece Jabra sleeping in One Piece Jabra fighting Sanji in his Hybrid form during One Piece's Enies Lobby Arc

The World Government’s CP9 agents remain some of One Piece‘s best villains, and the Water 7 Saga demonstrates the Devil Fruit powers and combat skills that make the assassins so powerful. Sniper King Usopp pairs up with fellow Straw Hat Roronoa Zoro to take on CP9’s Jabra and Kaku in a sequence made funny by Kaku’s silly new Devil Fruit form and Usopp’s outrageous missteps. Usopp makes a costly error during the encounter, creating a hilarious conundrum for the Straw Hat Pirates.

The Sniper King’s first mistake is failing to steal a handcuff key from Jabra without waking him, and his biggest mistake is accidentally handcuffing himself to Zoro instead of using the restraints on their opponents. Zoro wields Usopp like a weapon alongside the sword in his hand to overcome the challenge of their confinement, making for a ridiculous visual hard not to enjoy. Although Usopp’s showing against Kaku and Jabra isn’t his strongest, it perfectly represents the bad luck, silliness, and cowardice that are the crystallized essence of the Straw Hat.

6Nami & Usopp Struggle to Overcome the Formidable Strength of Page One & Ulti in the Raid on Onigashima

Opponents: Page One & Ulti — Beast Pirates


Page One carries Ulti on his back during the Raid on Onigashima in One Piece. Usopp and Nami stand across from Beast Pirate Ulti in One Piece during the Raid on Onigashima. Ulti in her Hybrid form during the Onigashima Raid in One Piece's Wano Arc Page One from One Piece

One Piece‘s Raid on Onigashima is the feature conflict of the epic Wano Country Saga that chronicles Emperor Kaido’s defeat by the Straw Hat Pirates. The lengthy battle is a non-stop sequence of fights between rotating combinations of characters from all factions involved in the attack on the Beast Pirates. Usopp’s best showing in the Raid on Onigashima is his battle alongside fellow Straw Hat Nami against the Beast Pirates’ Ulti and Page One.

The two Straw Hat Pirates are outmatched in strength by Ulti and Page One, Tobiroppo with the power of Ancient Zoan Devil Fruits on their side, but Usopp’s bravery (although undercut by multiple impersonations of Nami to conceal himself) and weapons prove essential to evening the odds against the powerful Beast Pirate duo. Usopp sets an elevated tone from his typical battle antics at the beginning of the fight, making an unusual pivot toward conflict rather than away from it, by refusing to concede to the claim that Kaido would be the next King of the Pirates instead of his Captain, Monkey D. Luffy. In a satisfying bookend to the fight sequence, Usopp makes a pivotal play using a special type of ammunition to distance a child from Ulti so Nami can deal a devastating blow to the Beast Pirate, allowing the Straw Hat Pirates to escape.

5Usopp Defines His Reputation as the Sniper King Against Oars in Thriller Bark

Opponent: Oars — Thriller Bark Pirates


Usopp stands in front of Oars during their battle at Thriller Bark in One Piece. Oars, a massive giant, is reincarnated during One Piece's Thriller Bark Arc. Oars the Giant is pictured in a close up holding bricks on his head. Gecko Moria sits hidden inside Oars' body at Thriller Bark in One Piece.

The Straw Hat Pirates have the chance to underscore their strength as individuals when they fight as a group, and Usopp’s strengths shine during the crew’s fight with Oars on Thriller Bark. The other Straw Hats demonstrate their faith in Usopp as a reliable crew mate by counting on him to land a critical attack during the encounter with Oars, the reanimated warrior Giant. Oars the Giant is controlled by Gecko Moria, putting Usopp’s strength to the test in a huge way by pitting him against the power of a Warlord of the Sea.

By this point in One PieceUsopp has grown confident in his role as the Straw Hat Pirates’ sniper, and his shooting skills are essential in the Thriller Bark battle. The Straw Hat Pirates call on Usopp to accurately shoot a bag of salt into Oars’ mouth to release Gecko Moria’s control over the zombie Giant, proving they recognize Usopp’s strength and skills as a sniper. Although the attack fails to defeat Oars, Usopp impresses his crew by landing such a difficult shot on the formidable beast.

4Usopp Truly Becomes the Sniper King When He Awakens Observation Haki While Fighting Sugar

Opponent: Sugar — Donquixote Pirates

Usopp awakens observation Haki and saves Luffy and Law from Sugar in One Piece. Usopp uses an illusion to scare Sugar unconscious during the Dressrosa Arc of One Piece. One Piece's Sugar has wide eyes as she holds up one hand. Sugar Turns Multiple People Into Toys With Her Devil Fruit In One Piece. Usopp's reaction to the Poison Grape scares Sugar during the Dressrosa Arc in One Piece.

The exciting battle between the Straw Hat Pirates and the Donquixote Pirates during One Piece‘s Dressrosa Saga features one of Usopp’s all-time best fight moments. Usopp finds himself in a match-up against Sugar, one of Doflamingo’s powerful officers, who must be knocked unconscious to free the citizens of Dressrosa from the influence of her Devil Fruit. In a demonstration of wit and skill, Usopp becomes a pirate fit for the title of Sniper King.

Usopp recruits the power of Kurozumi Kanjuro’s Devil Fruit to create a special type of ammunition designed to frighten Sugar into passing out. When Usopp finally takes his aim, he awakens powerful Observation Haki, an ability truly fitting for the Sniper King. The iconic victory is made even more rewarding by the first failed attempt to render Sugar unconscious and its likeness to a moment in Usopp’s past when he had to take a similar shot at Oars the Giant on Thriller Bark.

3Chopper & Usopp Defeat Baroque Works Agents By Using Their Strength Against Them

Opponents: Mr. 4 & Miss Merry Christmas — Baroque Works


One Piece: Miss Merry Christmas emerges from a tunnel below Mr. 4. Baroque Works' Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas run towards Usopp and Tony Tony Chopper during the Alabasta Saga in One Piece. Usopp holds up a hammer in Alabasta during One Piece. Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas of Baroque Works lie defeated in One Piece.

One Piece‘s Alabasta Saga stars the memorable ensemble of Crocodile’s Baroque Works villains, and their match-ups with the Straw Hat Pirates are peak entertainment in the early phases of the series. Crocodile is a powerful figure as a Warlord of the Sea, and it’s no surprise his subordinates are formidable forces on their own (or more accurately in iconic pairs). In a battle against Mr. 4 and Miss Merry Christmas, Usopp fights alongside Tony Tony Chopper using his trademark gimmick strategies.

It quickly becomes clear after their introduction that Mr. 4 is the brawn to the brain of Miss Merry Christmas, and Usopp makes a smart move by capitalizing on this dynamic to turn the tides of the battle. After the Straw Hat Pirates maneuver the Baroque Works agents to positions across from each other in a cloud of dust, Usopp impersonates Miss Merry Christmas to trigger Mr. 4’s attack, directing it at his teammate by mistake. The fight is an excellent demonstration of the silliness and trickery that have become characteristic of Usopp’s battles.

2The Straw Hats’ Fight Against the Black Cat Pirates Sets the Tone for Usopp’s Character

Opponent: First Mate Jango — Black Cat Pirates


Jango the hypnotist spins his circular blade in One Piece. Jango the Black Cat Pirate uses hypnotism in One Piece. Lady Kaya sits with the Usopp Pirates in One Piece. Jango stands with other Black Cat Pirates in One Piece.

The Syrup Village Arc is the introductory sequence for One Piece‘s fan-favorite Usopp, and the major conflict of the arc culminates in a battle between the Straw Hat Pirates and the Black Cat Pirates. Although many people from Usopp’s hometown have become dismissive of him after years of mischievous deceit, Usopp rejects his cowardly disposition to protect Syrup Village from the threat of pirates. Usopp’s actions during this defining conflict set the tone for his character for the rest of the series.

It’s clear that Usopp has a few glaring personality flaws (like compulsive lying and a fickle constitution), but he more than redeems himself with selfless sacrifices throughout the series. During the Syrup Village battle, Usopp replaces his fear with courage to protect Lady Kaya and the children who call themselves the Usopp Pirates. Zoro helps Usopp deliver a finishing blow to Jango to free his friends as Monkey D. Luffy brings down the Black Cat Pirate Captain, demonstrating how quickly Usopp develops synergy with the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates. Despite the less appealing parts of Usopp’s personality, his trajectory as an excellent asset and teammate to the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates is immediately made clear upon his induction into the crew.

1A New Tenacity Emerges From Usopp During His Fight Against Straw Hat Luffy

Opponent: Captain Monkey D. Luffy — Straw Hat Pirates

Usopp grabs Monkey D. Luffy's shirt during an argument in One Piece. Usopp hits Luffy with an impact dial during their fight in One Piece. Usopp holds the impact dial he used against Luffy in their fight in One Piece. Usopp raises his slingshot as he yells to Luffy in One Piece. Monkey D. Luffy stands across from Usopp in a fight for the Going Merry during One Piece's Water 7 Saga.

The Straw Hat Pirates’ internal conflicts deliver some of the most interesting narratives and exciting battles in all of One Piece, and Usopp’s fight with Monkey D. Luffy is no exception. The crux of the conflict between Usopp and Luffy is their diverging perspectives on the future of the Straw Hat Pirates’ beloved ship, the Going Merry. Captain Luffy takes the pragmatic stance that the ship is too damaged to keep using and must be replaced, but Usopp is unwilling to part with it because of its connection to his close friend Lady Kaya back home in Syrup Village.

Usopp challenges Luffy, an uncharacteristic move for the generally cowardly pirate, to a duel to decide the fate of the Going Merry with the high-stakes caveat that, if he loses, he will be forced to leave the Straw Hat Pirates. Despite the markedly serious tone of the fight given its impact on the crew, there is no shortage of silliness or deception in Usopp’s fighting style. Usopp uses every trick in his book, from fake blood to smoke screens, to take Luffy down, dealing a memorable strike to the Straw Hat Captain with an impact dial that sends him flying away. When Usopp finally runs out of tricks, Luffy defeats him with a simple punch; however, the defeat doesn’t take away from Usopp’s performance, which reveals a new level of intensity hidden within the complex Straw Hat Pirate.